Frequently asked questions about Gnaritas

When we tell people that we are in the business of software development and…

Bring your business to the next level with Gnaritas

It's time to take your business to the next level, and Gnaritas' technology…

Introduction to Gnaritas

We have been in the software development industry since 1999 and have helped…

Introducing the Gnaritas Amazon SES WordPress Plugin

If your website sends significant amounts of email to its users ---like…

Automated Testing for WordPress, Part 4: Practical Considerations

In part 3, we saw how to write and run Behat tests. In this final post,…

Automated Testing for WordPress, Part 3: Writing and Running the Tests

In part 2, I discussed installing Behat and setting up the environment. In…

Automated Testing for WordPress, Part 2: Setting up the Environment

In part 1, I set the context for doing automated “behavior-based” testing of a…

Automated Testing for WordPress, Part 1

We've been using WordPress for some time as a general website development…

The effectiveness of Boston College's City Connects program

City Connects was recently mentioned in a New York Times article describing its…

Boston College “City Connects” Fidelity Monitoring System

As our project portfolio shows, we’ve developed many long-term collaborative…